Randy Henderson
The Kid from CottonPatch launched his aerobatic career by executing his first barrel roll at 5,000 feet — with his eyes closed! Just a few years later, Randy won the very first contest he flew in the Texas T-Cart. He’s the star of our show, a well-known aerobatic performer who now has a number of regional, national and international titles to his credit. They include:
2000 Sporty’s Formula One National Aerobatics Champion
1999 Sporty’s Formula One National Aerobatics Champion
1988 International Aerobatic Club (IAC) Intermediate U.S. National Champion
1987 IAC Intermediate Texas State Champion
1986 IAC Intermediate International Champion
1986 and 1987 IAC Lone Star Regional Champion
The Texas T-Cart driver earned his private pilot’s license during the two years he spent stationed in England as a medic in the U.S. Air Force. During that time, he began skydiving as well, and made 24 parachute jumps. Randy later began his professional career flying DC-3 freighter planes with only 380 hours of flight time under his belt. In just three years, he logged 3,000 hours in the air — and survived thirteen engine failures as he worked his way up to Captain. Since January 1979, Randy has been a pilot for Southwest Airlines. He became their youngest Boeing 737 Captain ever when he upgraded less than three years later. But our National Champion’s favorite pastime is flying good ol’ grassroots aerobatics in his homebuilt Texas T-Cart!
Jedidiah Duane (JD) Henderson
Jedidiah joined the T-Cart crew on July 24, 2003. Weighing in at 7 lbs 12oz, Jedidiah was named as a tribute to Randy’s mentor and the Henderson’s good friend, aviation legend Duane Cole. He attended his first airshow shortly after. Within a year, he was a fixture at the annual ICAS convention and began growing up in the right seat of his dad’s airplane.
Yankee John Couzelis
Don Hite
Chuck Farry
Ground Safety
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