TEXAS T-CART AIRSHOWS performs professional aerobatic demonstrations for one-day, two-day, or three-day performances. Each day can have up to three flights.
The show starts with a Patriotic Show Opener, where the T-Cart circles skydivers with red, white, and blue smoke. It also includes the Dead Stick, a 5-minute performance that starts with the T-Cart mid-air and power-off safety of flight demonstration. This performance is interactive, educational, and has a comedic flair. The Aerial Ballet is a musically choreographed routine that includes Randy’s signature maneuvers, typically lasting from 7-12 minutes. A lengthened performance includes a 3-minute ground show at the end of the flight.
TEXAS T-CART AIRSHOWS’ performance fee is calculated based on event length and total number of flights requested by the event organizer(s). Media day performances can be included and at no additional charge. However, TEXAS T-CART AIRSHOWS cannot guarantee availability if provided with less than a 60-day notice.
In addition, the PRODUCER will provide the following to TEXAS T-CART AIRSHOWS while at the event site:
- Aircraft fuel (100LL), aviation engine oil, and smoke oil (Corvus 13 preferred) for each day of performance. Fuel fill-up will happen prior to departure from show site.
- Enclosed hangar, locked with security. Outside tie-downs are not acceptable.
- Hotel/motel accommodations: one non-smoking room, double occupancy; one non-smoking room for the crew.
- Courtesy car for crew transportation, with locking trunk for secure storage of support equipment.
TEXAS T-CART AIRSHOWS agrees to provide:
- Complete press kit, which includes brochures, souvenir photo, labeled 8″ x 10″ photographs, information sheets, sponsor list, sample spectator handouts (logo, stickers, and trading cards), highlights of recent media coverage, and promotional video.
- Professional advance and show site promotional contact and support for media, sponsors, and VIPs.
- Autographs and brochure/souvenir photos for audience members, logo stickers, and trading cards for kids each performance day, as well as photo opportunities and lots of interaction with spectators.