Wing Tail Parts Layout

A big “Hello” to all y’all modelers out there!

Here at Texas T-Cart Airshows, we support all Texas T-Cart modeling projects. Just send your inquiries to our good friend Ray Care, winner of more than a few awards with his smokin’ Texas T-Cart model, and Ray will get back to you soon.

Got a completed project?

We’ll be happy to post pictures and information here if y’all send ’em. All y’all need to do is send your digital images, along with a short description of your project for each image, to our webmaster .

Want to build your very own Texas T-Cart model?

Plans were published in the August 1988 edition of Model Aviation magazine, and guess what? They’re still available! Plan #593E provides the patterns for Taylorcraft RC Sport Scale light plane, with spans 70 1/2 or 58 1/4 in.

Click here to access the order form.

Ray Care’s radio-controlled Texas T-Cart model has won many awards including a People’s Choice Award…before it was even finished! As well as two first place awards in Civilian Scale Models. Recently, Ray installed a smoke system on his T-Cart model and soon will be trying his hand at flying contests.

Thanks Ray, for all you do for Texas T-Cart modelers!

Click on the thumbnails below to see larger images.


Below is an example of a radio-control giant-scale model of Randy Henderson’s Texas T-Cart, built by Charles Weaver. The photos show the T-Cart during construction.

Great model, Charles!

Click on the thumbnails below to see larger images.

T-Cart ModelT-Cart ModelT-Cart ModelT-Cart ModelT-Cart ModelT-Cart ModelT-Cart Model