Right here in the Texas T-Cart Media Center y’all can find materials from our press kit and our press releases. Y’all are welcome to use or print out the materials as needed.

Texas T-Cart Information and Letter of Introduction

These are high-resolution photos suitable for print reproduction. The files are provided in both color and black-and-white versions and are 300dpi at 8×10 size.

To download files for air show use:


  1. Click the image or linked text you want to save. Once the fullsize image displays “right-click” (On an Apple computer click and hold) the image.
  2. Choose “Save Target As” from the pop-up menu.
  3. Rename and save the image to your computer.

Texas T-Cart in flight:

Fullscale T-Cart
Fullscale T-Cart BW

Color | Black-and-White

The Texas Touch-Down:

Fullscale T-Cart
Fullscale T-Cart BW

Color | Black-and-White

Randy and the T-Cart at show’s end:

Fullscale T-Cart
Fullscale T-Cart BW

Color | Black-and-White

To receive the complete Texas T-Cart press kit, just drop an email to Randy Henderson. He’ll get one out to y’all jest as quick as he can! Items available include press releases, promotional kits, video footage and photos.

We’re proud to say the Texas T-Cart press kit won second-place honors in the ICAS Marketing Competition.

Press Kit Certificate